Lax Border Opens Another Avenue for China to Infiltrate U.S.
Biden’s “seemingly lenient attitude” presents opportunities.
(Photo by Brandon Bell/Getty Images)
As the Chinese spy balloon saga drew wall-to-wall media coverage this month, a far more disturbing ongoing crisis continued to worsen. At the current rate, some 9,000 Chinese nationals will encroach on US soil by the end of FY 2023, an increase of a stunning 75% in one year under the Biden administration’s watch. . Does it make any sense for America to obsess about mysterious objects floating in the sky that might be from China when the Asian superpower’s people are allowed to traipse right across the woefully insecure borders?
Recent numbers are indeed alarming. “In December, there were 931 Chinese nationals encountered, compared to 64 in December 2021,” Fox News noted. That pace over a full year would bring over 11,000 Chinese to America’s doorstep. And these are only the ones US officials are aware of. How many never get detected at all? “Since October, the start of each fiscal year, [U.S. Customs and Border Protection] has encountered 2,999 Chinese nationals at the southern border, more than the 2,176 Chinese migrants encountered at the border during all of fiscal 2022, according to federal data released,” Just the News reported on Feb. 10.
Where Is That $80,000 Coming From?
Chinese nationals are known to spend more money by far than other foreigners to get smuggled into the US, raising further suspicions. In December, The Washington Times reported that two Chinese women were “found stuffed in the trunk of a Volkswagen Passat at the border crossing in San Ysidro, California.”
One of the women, Fengjie Cao, stated that she “was going to pay $80,000 USD to be smuggled into the United States,” border officials revealed.
“A typical payment for those from South America is $15,000 to $20,000. Central Americans typically pay $10,000 to $15,000, and Mexicans pay $7,000 to $10,000,” The Times relates. A country serious about its national security would delve into the details of how and why a Chinese citizen would be willing to shell out such an exorbitant amount to illegally enter its territory.
China’s ever-growing footprint inside the US gathered immense traction under the two-term presidency of Democrat Barack Obama from 2009-17. The Biden White House, some would argue, is in many ways an extension of that administration.
In a December 2020 speech, Trump administration Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned of the astonishing number of Chinese students attending American universities. “Look, the Chinese Communist Party knows it can never match our innovation. It has state-owned enterprises; it’s an authoritarian regime; it is a government-centric focus,” Pompeo declared. “That’s why it sends 400,000 students a year to the United States of America to study. Much of the high-end industrial base inside of China is based on stolen technology, or technology purchased from other nations. It’s not home-grown.”
“As vice president [under Obama] for eight years, Biden actively promoted the influx of Chinese students, and the results were staggering,” Liberty Nation observed at the time. A 2015 Foreign Policy article reported that “[t]he number of Chinese international students has increased nearly fivefold since the 2004-2005 academic year, when there were 62,523 Chinese students stateside.” It continued:
“Biden himself specifically encouraged the escalation on multiple occasions. In a 2011 speech at Sichuan University in Chengdu, China, he said that ‘more than 130 [sic – should be 130,000] students from China attended our universities last year. We’re hoping that number will be even larger.’”
China Buys Into America
Liberty Nation’s Dave Patterson has detailed China’s aggressive moves to purchase farmland in America, property next to US military facilities, and even, amazingly, military officer training academies. Given all this, why wouldn’t the regime seek to weaponize the chaos that has become a way of life at the southern border to embed even more of its people in the American interior?
As an additional enticing bonus, that $80,000 spent by one Chinese citizen goes to fund a complex smuggling infrastructure that Red officials know full well is seriously eroding US national security and integrity.
“Much of the money paid goes to drivers, foot guides and stash house operators. Smuggling cartels that control the routes into the U.S. take a cut for most crossers, and they have made a massive amount of money off the Biden border surge,” The Washington Times writes. “The Times calculated earlier this year that the overall smuggling economy tops $20 billion a year, and the cartels made more than $2 billion over 12 months just from the ‘mafia fee,’ or ‘tax,’ that most migrants pay for permission to cross the border in a cartel’s territory.”
It’s Basic Strategy 101. Nurture the ongoing destruction of your world geopolitical opponent by whatever means necessary. There is no reason to believe China is not taking maximum advantage of the situation.
As LN related of the Obama-Biden support for Chinese nationals studying at American colleges, a Nov. 11, 2020, article at Sixth Tone, a state-media magazine of the communist regime, openly emphasized the benefits to be accrued from a Biden presidency expected to pursue a promiscuous immigration policy:
“One Shanghai-based study abroad company noted that Biden’s seemingly lenient attitude toward immigration and visa restrictions, as well as the incoming first lady’s role as an educator, could be seen as positive signs for the future of international students in the country.”
That “seemingly lenient attitude” doesn’t stop at the campus quad. China can see the weakness inherent in the Biden administration’s lax border security measures. With thousands of nationals paying up to $80,000 each to cross into the US, it is difficult to avoid the suspicion that many of those individuals – and possibly a majority of them – are likely Chinese government operatives.